This Full Moon is encouraging us to step up to the plate in a tangible way. We have an opportunity to expand and be bold and it may require us to fight for what we want and not take“no” for an answer. It’s totally normal to feel some imposter syndrome in the process, and if that does come up, fake it till you make it friends! Trust in your inspiration and vision.The second time Jupiter squares Neptune, the most significant astrological aspect of the year, occurs shortly before this full moon on 6/16, bringing a strong Neptune and Jupiter vibe to our lives. The first time these two planets danced together was 1/13 and the final time will be 9/21. Read the full overview here. Specifically for this full moon, our emotional reality is shifting and more than ever we are attuned to how the story we tell about what’s going on directly correlates to how we feel. There is a deep release and accompanying grief to clear and cleanse our soul for the next chapter.
Mars opposing Saturn on 6/14 and then opposing Pluto on 6/19 has us making some decisions and taking actions that are irrevocable, specifically surrounding our family, work, and home dynamics. We are betting on a new dream for ourselves and those we love, and this week we take a quantum leap towards a new reality. Mercury conjuncts Mars as well, bringing a fierceness and conviction to our communication. We are well aware of what we’ll do for those we care about, as that is what is being tested right now. After this experience we’ll have a new set of boundaries and a new sense of self respect, built on getting a better sense of what we’re truly capable of. The structure of our lives is shifting and morphing to keep up with our expansion. If you are in the midst of something major like a job change or a move, keep your attention firmly on the fact that you are upgrading your life experience and be selective and discerning about what you chose to focus on and let in to your new normal.
Neptune sextile Saturn and trine Mars and Mercury heightens our intuition and imagination in the midst of any major decision-making, giving us direct access to a spiritual connection and compassion. We may have the urge to run off and save someone or a situation, as this can bring about a selfless orientation to the world. Remember to put on your own oxygen mask first, as the saying goes, and be wary of being pulled in too many directions. We need to be selective about the options we are considering right now. Use the current strong connection to your spiritual compass to help guide you and balance out any over thinking/over emphasis on the left brain.
I have a sense that we’ll look back to this full moon as a key turning point/key event in the next major chapter of our lives. We don’t know where this will all eventually lead. If you are having trouble making a decision, pretend that it’s 5 years from now and you are reflecting back on this time. What are the risks you are glad you took? What is your intuition telling you? If we take the perspective that there is no “right” or “wrong” decision, just different options for your life experience, what direction most excites you?
Questions to Ponder: What is my intuition guiding me towards? What feelings are emerging about my current situation that I may have been unaware of in the past? Where am I feeling a stronger sense of my own convictions? What important endings/beginnings are happening for me?