There is a swiftness and sense of purpose to this new moon. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Leo, but they are joined by Venus and Mars. We are hot, friends, and the creative energy surging through us needs an outlet. There are some artists who say their path really came alive when the pain of not following their creative pursuit became greater than doing the art itself. It’s a big, vulnerable deal to put yourself out there. And we can waste so much time standing by the sidelines. For this new moon we are fully participating in the action and it’s time to show up and show off in all of our glory. Give yourself permission to shine your brightest light. This is what full commitment to our heartfelt desires looks like.
Mercury is stationary direct and opposing Pluto, giving a galvanizing and intense quality to our words and communications. That, paired with the passion of Leo, could make for some transformative interactions. Our emerging need for an outlet for our creative energy has to be anchored in our emotional truth. And it will for everyone else as well. If you find yourself feeling limited or censored by yourself or others, cultivate compassion for the emotions underneath the words. We’ll be able to identify some false assumptions/pretenses we’ve been operating under, which will help aid any creative breakthroughs about our current approach.
We are all working on integrating different parts of our personalities into our self-expression, and our efforts might be clumsy at first. Creativity and patience are needed to break out of some old patterns that aren’t serving us anymore. Our intense feelings point us towards parts of ourselves that have been demonized in the past. If you feel like something is holding you back, pay attention to any projecting you may be doing of your internal state on an external situation. Nothing is hidden with the light of Leo shining on it. We are able to integrate more of ourselves in our more public persona at this time, and a sense of humor is a key resource to aid in this process.
Uranus in Taurus is square the planets in Leo, shining a light on our attitude towards control and gratitude. Leo energy seeks to expand and create, to entertain and be lavish. Uranus in Taurus is helping us to shift our values around our resources, as well as our self-perception of our own value. The dynamic tension between Taurus and Leo for this eclipse is anchoring our newfound creative expression in a pragmatic way, and quickly. In the past there may have been more time for integration or practice in developing your skills. This new moon we are learning to trust ourselves and our abilities, to get more into our hearts than our heads and let our intuition guide us.
In summary, this new moon is helping us to become more whole and more loving of all parts of ourselves, even those parts that we would rather others didn’t see. Anchor your self-expression in your emotional truth to tap into your intuition and guidance from your heart. We need an outlet for our self-expression, and it may be time to experiment with a new creative outlet.
Intentions: I am friends with my strong feelings, and I see them as sacred messengers, directing me to where my consciousness needs to be refined and freed. I am strengthening my connection to source. I fully participate and engage with what has heart and meaning for me.