Welcome to 2020! Before I get into the year ahead, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again; it is my belief that the planets love us and they are rooting for us. Astrology is a tool for self-awareness, and knowledge of self is the portal into becoming an even more adept, more masterful, and more joyful creator than you already are.
For many of us, myself included, 2019 brought a lot of deep transformation and changes (I moved across the country from Seattle to Vermont and started a new job is the short version of the story!). For many of us this year has flown by, but at the same time, when you look back, so much has happened. You have reaped the rewards from the energy that you put out into the world.
2020 looks to be a stabilizing year. A lot of what we set in motion in 2019 is taking on a life of its own. We’re honing in and sifting and sorting; we’ll get to take the time we need to build the momentum and direct the energy intentionally. Part of this process will be figuring out our true teammates and partners, that is, the ones that are willing to go the distance with us (more on this in the individual sign breakdowns). We had a strong Capricorn emphasis in 2019 and that will continue into 2020. We have more to learn about trusting our own inner authority and increasing our self-empowerment. We are owning our mastery and taking a radical level of self-accountability to do the work we came here to do. There’s no room for any kind of victim story. We are who we are, and we are in charge of how we tell our life story which in turn dictates how we feel about it.
This year we’ll get opportunities to pay just as much attention to how we are creating as to what the outcomes are. This has shown up for me recently by embracing the idea of feminine leadership, specifically divine feminine leadership. I believe that the old guard of leadership is undergoing an overhaul of? the current Capricorn emphasis on outer planets, to usher in new ways of holding power compassionately with ourselves and others. This way of being in the world elevates your heart and intuition to the director’s chair. That’s not to say that logic isn’t important or that intelligence doesn’t have a role to play, but those parts of my being are secondary to the leadership of my heart and intuition right now.
In the past two or three months that I’ve focused on this exclusively, I’ve paused and checked in way more often than I used to. When I’m tired, I go to bed or nap if I can. I don’t push through anymore. There is less striving, less pushing, and less stress. What has surprised me is how much more efficient and enjoyable it’s been. In the past, when I would jump ahead to the end goal and push to get there, it actually would create extra work for myself because I would come up with all kinds of “shoulds” that I thought I needed to do. Maybe I thought I needed to research a lot of options or meet with someone to get their opinion to do my due diligence. I learned from all of those experiences and I don’t fault myself for doing those things. However, now that I’m letting myself be in my flow a little more, it’s much more enjoyable because I do way less and the things that I do are the things that really matter.
What’s new and important about this approach is the ability to prioritize self-care above everything else, because that ability keeps our instrument finely tuned and available to align with the intelligence of the universe. It’s a big paradigm shift from our past views on leadership that require hard work, struggle, and sacrifice to achieve amazing things. And it’s radical self-empowerment to enjoy and exercise your strength and all of our universal access to spiritual energy and intelligence.
In thinking about intentions for 2020, I will get into specifics with each sign breakdown. For all of us, the year starts out swiftly with us needing to make a commitment. You gotta be in it to win it, and if you’ve been on the fence about anything, it’s time to jump off and fully embrace the direction that you want to go. If we remain on the fence, we’ll probably keep doing what we’ve already been doing for some time now and will continue to get the same results. Where’s the fun in that? Your being is hungry for expansion, and there aren’t any right or wrong answers for the direction you choose, just different experiences. Give yourself permission to commit to that which you love and that which you most enjoy. This is my wish for you for 2020.
Want to know how this applies to your sun sign? Become a Stars by Liz member to access the sign-by-sign 2020 forecast here. The first month is free!