Libra comes along and taps us on the shoulder, reminding us of the joy of true companionship. This can be romantic, but it definitely doesn’t have to be. It’s the good feelings that come from being met by another person, an equal. It’s that conversation with a good friend that rights your ship and reminds you of who and whose you are. With Venus conjunct the Sun in Aries, you have love to give and a desire to lavish attention on those you care about. This energy supports grand sweeping gestures of affection, so if that feels good to you, go for it. At the very least, find ways to acknowledge and affirm people who have made a difference in your life recently.
Mars, the moon, and Saturn form a grand trine in the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, respectively), which means good ideas will be flowing to you and you’ll be able to articulate and build momentum around them. Choose your words and stories intentionally in the presence of others, as they will have an added impact and power. Mercury joins Neptune in the sky, supporting you to speak from an inspired, sacred place. Share your vision and hone it with others.
With this full moon, you may be asked to reconsider your past actions in light of what you are now seeing as a possible future. It may be that certain things from the past now make more sense than they did at the time, in terms of how they fit into your vision and dream for yourself. It’s important to pause and recognize what you have learned and the wisdom you now have. There were some major disruptions for us in February with Uranus square Saturn rearing its head for the first time. This full moon is an opportunity to anchor yourself firmly in the value of love to inform where you want to go now.
Questions to Ponder: In what ways can I see and celebrate the unique identities and talents of those I care about? If I posed the question “what would love do?” in my current situation, what would the answer be? How might I increase cooperation and healthy commitment in my current partnerships?