Diligence is needed for this new moon, launching us into 2022. Four planets in Capricorn means there is discipline to be had and a plan to be made if you don’t have one already. You started something in the fall and right now you need a plan to focus your energy and align your resources. As some of you know, I am a project manager in my day job. Which means I get paid in part to plan and anticipate issues. This typically is Capricorn’s very happy place (and while I do have a planet in Capricorn my sun sign is Aquarius)! What I have come to realize about planning is that the one thing I know for sure about whatever plan I create is that it will change. So why make the plan in the first place, you might ask? For me, I see planning as a powerful way of visualizing what you want to create. The process of putting the plan together sparks conversations, questions, and connections to others that you need to pull it off. You might notice a way that something could be done more quickly or see that there’s not enough time for something else and adjust accordingly. The plan is a tool to make sure that everyone involved is aligned with what you are doing and where you are headed.
Jupiter, having just entered Pisces at the end of December, is at zero degrees, signifying a beginning, a new belief that is trying to take root in your consciousness. Be careful of attempting to manage tender feelings with all the Capricorn planets in town, since the shadow side of this energy is bossiness. You need that belief in yourself, the faith that you can do something that you haven’t done before to power you through the work at hand. The Sun, Moon, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn are in charge of the strategy and plan. Delegate the vision, inspiration, and faith to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces.
Saturn rules this new moon since it rules Capricorn. It’s in a nice aspect to Mars in Sagittarius, which helps with your follow-through as well as keeping a positive outlook. You want to keep your sense of adventure and possibility intact even in the midst of the enormity of the task you are committing to. Remember to connect to your guidance to help guide your next steps. You may need to spend some time alone to reconnect with your faith and your intuitive center.
Intentions: I easily overcome any self-imposed limits on what I can and can’t achieve. I embrace my conscientious side to do the right thing for the right reasons. I connect to the bigger picture and overall strategy to help guide me to my next steps.