There may be a lot of messages flying around. Take heed not to get carried away with any particular storyline. You may feel cut off from others and spending more time with your thoughts might lead to more isolation. Ask for help and a different perspective to connect to energy outside of yourself. Gemini energy reminds us that no matter what mental rabbit hole you might have stumbled into, you always have options. You just have to circulate your energy and get curious to expose yourself to other ideas and ways of being in the world.
Mars and Jupiter are right next to each other, bringing a sense of urgency and liveliness. This amps up your confidence and desire to make something happen. Enjoy the physical energy this aspect typically brings with it; these are not the days for napping. Because this energy can charge off without a plan and Mercury is retrograde, take a minute to attend to the details in a broad-brush way, lest you charge off on an adventure without a critical piece of gear (kind of like the time I forgot my sleeping bag on a camping trip..whoopsies).
Saturn in Aquarius is in a prolonged square to the nodes this spring and summer, and in addition to that, it’s also currently squaring Mercury, the ruler of this new moon. What does that mean exactly? You are getting an opportunity to get honest about the strength of your structures and foundation. Are your current actions taking place on solid ground? Saturn demands that you go more slowly and methodically if needed to make sure you’re making a good investment in the long term. It’s not sexy stuff, but it is important to heed Saturn’s call to do the work now so that you can reap the harvest in the future.
Late last week (5/27), Venus squared Pluto, shining a light on some relationship dynamics or possibly something related to your values that needs to change/end. Use this new moon to make intentions so that the relationship dynamics with yourself and others are feeling more generative and enjoyable.
Intentions: I ask for help when I need it to gain a more balanced perspective. I know there is possibility and magic in the liminal space between knowing and not knowing. I lovingly attend to the foundation of what I’m building to ensure that it’s sustainable.