This is a generative new moon, where you are filling yourself up with possibilities. The universe is asking you to take on a stretch assignment. Where do you feel called to try something that you haven’t done before or don’t have much familiarity with? These experiences fill you up with a renewed sense of purpose and an increased sense of confidence in what you’re capable of. Will you have to fake it till you make it? You bet. Will you feel vulnerable and exposed for not knowing how to do something at times? Check check. Do it anyway, because this is an important step to learn and expand your sense of self.
You may be called to defend yourself and your boundaries. Something in your world needs your protection right now. Just as a seedling needs extra care and is vulnerable to any number of threats to its survival, you are tending something that is in its nascent stage. Whether it be a person, a situation, or a project, it needs you to advocate on its behalf. You can do this with compassion, and you don’t need to turn into a monster in the process. Please do give yourself permission to be fierce and clear, however. Any people-pleasing tendencies need to be held in check as others might end up bummed out. Resist the temptation to caretake their feelings. That’s not your job.
The good news is that whatever you are bringing into fruition has the potential to have a long-term, positive impact on your life and be more aligned to some new, emerging parts of yourself. Be steadfast in your commitment to the vision, and allow flexibility and open-endedness as to how you get there. There are some behaviors/situations that need to end with the upcoming Mars square Pluto on 7.1. This will allow more space and free up energy for you, but it can be stressful while you are actively letting go. Keep the vision at the forefront of your mind to help guide your decisions. Take breaks to gather yourself if you feel yourself swayed by the strong emotions from those around you.
Intentions: I am fierce and clear in defining and protecting my boundaries. I willingly take on stretch assignments that will take me out of my comfort zone. I let go of having control over how others emotionally respond to me.