This is a building, productive full moon. It is making nice aspects to Jupiter and Saturn which means your self-respect and ambition are supported and even flourishing under this lunation. Focus on planning and strategy to build your masterpiece, which might be a project, a skill, or a situation. It’s important for you to own your abilities and experiences because Capricorn and its ruler Saturn concern skills that have been earned over time by putting in the work and harnessing your self-discipline.
Mercury is in Cancer, next to the Sun and therefore opposed to the moon. Cancer energy wants us to stay safe and comfortable, whilst Capricorn goads us to take on a challenge and fulfill our most ambitious desires. Capricorn enjoys the doing of the work itself because that gives you meaning and purpose, as well as going after something that you aren’t 100% sure you can do, which builds confidence. With Mercury in this position, it is a balancing act between your emotions and your mind. Ask for what you need instead of keeping a stiff upper lip. It’s a sign of strength to articulate your feelings instead of not letting them show.
Venus and Mars continue to be cozied up to each other in Leo, which is a passionate and big feeling configuration in contrast to the typically more stoic, reserved energy of Capricorn. You love all the more deeply and get angry all the more dramatically. Whatever is going on, you may be called to express yourself in grand, bold gestures, and you may also experience some unpredictability in your reaction and the reactions of others. Use playfulness and fun to help diffuse any situations. Whatever you are building right now, you have the opportunity to make sure that your heart’s desires and longings are center stage to help guide the process.
Questions to Ponder: In what ways are my ambitions aligned with my heart, and what are some ways I can build on this alignment? How might I utilize more humor and fun in my approach?