Eclipses bring things up from deep in the unconscious, which is why they are often associated with surprises or upsets. For this one, you will become clear on where you might be doing something for someone else that has strings attached. It may be that you want a reaction or validation. Perhaps you are overly worried about criticism or you feel unworthy. Whatever it is, the medicine is to find a way to be useful to others without attachment to outcome.
Because Saturn opposes Venus, the ruler of this eclipse, you may be called to set some boundaries with others. While this might sound antithetical to giving without attachment, it’s not. When you give without seeking anything in return, you are coming from a place of power. You know that whatever happens, whatever the response is, you will be ok. When you are in your integrity and you are useful to another, it also builds your self-respect and confidence, not to mention your sense of purpose. If someone asks you for something that you don’t feel right about, that’s when these boundaries come into play, to say “no” so that you are available to give in ways that do align with your values. Also, it’s ok to learn and try things. For example, when visiting a family member in the hospital, I put on some music that I thought she would enjoy. Translation: it was music that I liked! I let it play for a bit and I could tell she wasn’t that into it but perhaps didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I asked her if she wanted to change it and then she piped up with what she wanted. I could have taken it personally or been overly attached to having a moment with her on my terms. But I didn’t, thankfully. I course-corrected and made it more about her than me.
If you are stuck for ideas for some ways in which you could be useful/supportive to someone, think about those people who have been there for you when you’ve been down or through a major life transition. What did they do that mattered, that made you feel like it was more about you than them? Where might you pass this kindness on to someone else who needs it? You may be amazed at the level of relief that simple kind gestures can bring someone.
Intentions: I pay attention to my patterns around giving and receiving, and I find ways to bring myself back into balance if something feels off. I find ways to be useful to my community that give me a sense of purpose and connection to the world.