I love the fact that the Sun transits through Sagitarrius during the deep darkness of winter (at least for us in the northern hemisphere). This sign is known for belief, expansion, optimism, enthusiasm, and adventure, and it helps us to understand and feel that even though things may appear barren and cold, life survives throughout all seasons. It just takes different forms, and our ability to honor our inner rhythm of rest and activity is one way to align with the energy of the earth.
This new moon is happening on the eve of Mercury retrograde, encouraging you to go within for any answers you may have been looking outside yourself for. Play with finishing the statement, “Wouldn’t it be amazing if…” Your mind and spirit want to explore beyond any limiting notions of what reality may be presenting to you. Because Neptune is square this new moon, it may be difficult to put your finger on what’s happening, as our consciousness flows like a river and sometimes our human mind isn’t able to synch up with the flow. In Buddhism (and other religions) there is a concept of taking refuge in the love of the divine. This act can help your ability to receive and give spaciousness to your experience, therefore increasing your chances of connecting with your spiritual consciousness. This meditation by Tara Brach on taking refuge in the beloved may help. Sometimes a change in attitude/perception is all that’s needed to help you access your inner guidance. And even though Mercury is about to go retrograde, it is playing nicely aspect-wise to Venus and Uranus, giving you access to some original thinking that you can express in a way that others can hear and understand.
With Jupiter, the ruler of this new moon, opposing Venus, you have something to learn from connecting and listening to others. Pay attention to any urges you have to reach out to someone, even if you haven’t spoken to them in a while, because these interactions might be just the medicine you need to shift your perspective and get out of your own way.
Intentions: I take refuge in the love of the divine, however I define it. I enjoy playing with different scenarios of how something might work out. I trust that my inner guidance has my back and I listen to the messages it has for me.