This is a dynamic full moon. The pot is being stirred, or potentially being fully upended. Uranus is in town squaring the moon and sun: a key signature for unpredictability and change. The medicine of Uranus is a fierce commitment to the truth to keep you from getting stuck in societal expectations or the expectations of anyone else for that matter. If you’ve been going through the motions and/or doing something for the wrong reasons, invite the truth-teller to break free.
The strong need to individuate and do your own thing is coursing through your veins. That’s also the case for your beloveds, and it’s only natural that you won’t always be on the same page. Keep that in mind with any difficult conversations that ensue. Resist any temptation to default into drama triangle roles (Persecutor, Victim, Rescuer). Also, let go of the notion that anyone has the right answer, including yourself. Instead, be accountable for your emotions and engage with curiosity and playfulness. Mercury is retrograde, after all, so humor, skillfully used, may be a good approach to explore relationship dynamics right now.
You must keep reminding yourself that Mercury is retrograde and no one has the full story yet on a current situation. This can be challenging for Mars conjunct Jupiter, so prominently placed for this full moon, because this aspect likes to know and be right about things. Being strident or self-righteous is its Achilles heel. Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with not knowing. I would argue that it is a signature of a truly intelligent person that they are acutely aware of everything that they don’t know and take the stance of being a student of life.
Tectonic plates are moving deep within your psyche. Immense amounts of pressure forge diamonds and you are going through a similar alchemical process in your body-mind-spirit. Pay attention to what freedom and liberation look like for you as you release and let go of old storylines and situations that are no longer part of your reality. Know that opportunities may come in disguise this full moon. You are making space and freeing up energy to create on a whole new level.
Questions to Ponder: How might any pressure I’m feeling be helping me to show up in the world more fully myself? In what ways am I embracing not knowing just as much (if not more so) than certainty? Where am I being called to embody more of myself and operate outside of any predetermined roles/identities?