This new moon brings restlessness and a desire to change. You are bumping up against constraints with a situation you don’t have much control over. Keep in mind you may have a completely different perspective than someone else. The limitations you are feeling may be coming from not being aligned in your ideas with others involved. A key superpower is curiosity, as it’s not clear to anyone what the truth of the situation actually is, and if you all have different perspectives, you are going to come up with different truths.
The truth being relative is not easy for Sagittarius energy because you feel such passion around what you believe. Sometimes you can get lost in a theory without grounding it in logic and facts, resulting in feeling alienated from others. Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that separate versus connect, since it’s likely to be a mentally active new moon.
Balance the flux and instability of this new moon by bringing in structure and discipline to your thinking and next steps. Write down what is going through your mind to help you sort through it. There are important insights for you to discover, however it may be difficult to focus on them with the stories flying around. If ideas or thoughts are uncomfortable, resist the urge to move on or get sidetracked. Your mind is like an instrument, and you have some processing to do in order to fine-tune it for this New Moon. Your mental capabilities are expanding, and you want to be open and aware throughout this process to broaden your perspective.
Intentions: I maintain my curiosity in the face of differences of opinions with others. I hold any stories gently right now, knowing they could change and/or more information will be revealed.