Our minds naturally seek resolution and fixes to problems. That’s the default mental mode. But what if there is something beyond resolution, something better? Perhaps a sense of openness, ease, and curiosity that doesn’t engage in the story or headline of the day? This full moon will require you to lean into your ability to bring spaciousness, not storylines, to whatever is going on. It could be salacious gossip. Or maybe a polarizing current event. Think back to around 11.7. New information about the US election or something else that transpired for you is coming to light.
Neptune squares the full moon, adding sensitivity and possibly confusion to the mix. What you felt so sure about in the past is blurry. You are gathering yourself and paying attention to newfound awarenesses that are bubbling up into your consciousness. This energy helps you to understand how interconnected we all are to each other. Your job is to let the love in and to see the common themes that unite us versus the divisions that polarize. Love is stronger than fear, and you may need extra reminders of this with whatever is going on in the world and in your relationships.
Venus is closing in on its trine to Jupiter, exact on 12.19. This energy helps you give the benefit of the doubt to yourself and others. In the face of miscommunications, assume good intentions and use humor to help diffuse any tension. You also may want to cultivate your audience for your message so you can be clear in your communication and allow it to resonate with others. By being clear and in integrity with what you are saying and doing, you build trust with those who matter most to you.
Questions to Ponder: How can I reduce my engagement in drama so that my communication aligns with my values? Where can I increase space around strong storylines and feelings?