The moon is next to Mars and both oppose Pluto, making for a charged, emotional full moon. Especially where it concerns your home and family, which is a vulnerable spot. “Playing it cool” is not in the vocabulary of this kind of signature. It’s like an older sibling seeing red when someone messes with their little brother/sister. There is an instinctual drive highlighted by this full moon to protect what you love which may feel like it’s under attack. The good news is that Uranus and Neptune are making helpful aspects to the full moon axis, suggesting that you will land on your feet, and you have the support of universal forces for things to work out. Cultivate compassion and spaciousness for the big feelings that surface. They have important messages for you.
Venus is closing in on its conjunction with Saturn in Pisces, exact on 1.18. This helps it feel like there’s an adult in the room, encouraging you and others to access the wise elder archetype. There is a test before you, and you are rising to the occasion to take feedback with grace, even if the delivery of it leaves much to be desired. Don’t isolate yourself to avoid interacting with others. Be mindful of passing judgment on the behavior of someone else, however, please give honest input when asked.
Whatever hidden depths are exposed during this full moon, cultivate grace for yourself and others. Think about how much your current experience will matter in 10 years. How would you have wanted to show up for yourself and your family?
Questions to Ponder: How might I access greater emotional courage to protect myself and those I care about? In what ways am I demonstrating emotional maturity in my interactions with others? What boundaries do I need to assert to protect myself and my space?