With Uranus square the full moon, there will be an upset, a curve ball, or a surprise. Because it’s a square, it will initially appear as something you don’t want. You will likely have to fall back on your self-sufficiency. If this involves putting yourself at risk to be successful, so be it. As Mars is retrograde, a direction action may not prove successful. You may need to influence something indirectly. For example, let’s say you don’t agree with a decision being made. Perhaps you outline a risk without mentioning the decision itself. As part of this process, you may need to balance out your logic and intuition to help guide you to your best next step and see through any distortions for what they are. It’s likely not something that comes to mind immediately when faced with whatever current challenge comes up, but it probably is the most powerful.
While in the moment you may be hard-pressed to come up with a reason why anyone would want to be knocked off balance, keep in mind that what you thought was solid isn’t as strong a foundation as you would like. It’s better to know now than a few months from now. You have options as to how to build more strength and resilience that is sustainable. You get some help with Saturn trine Mars. When these two come together, they seek to create long-term value. There aren’t shortcuts with this energy, however. You put in the time to get something set up correctly, to begin with, and then reap the benefits for years to come.
With Venus unaspected in Aries, in its shadow period before she retrogrades 3.1, you will likely need to fall back on yourself versus depending on your relationships. Resist the temptation to get answers outside yourself or overprocess what’s happening with friends. Your ability to compromise is not high with the fixed energy in the air. And that’s ok. There’s a time to bend and there’s a time to stand your ground. You realize you are committed above all else to be true to yourself.
Questions to Ponder: How might current changes show me if I’m playing too much to my audience or someone else’s rules/expectations? What messages am I getting from my heart about what I want?