This eclipse highlights where you are called to serve your community and do it in your own way. Often when we talk about serving a humanitarian cause, the emphasis is on the people we are serving and what their needs are. Many an organization has gone into a country with the best intentions to help only for their efforts to fall flat because they did not understand the local culture. However, once you’ve clarified the need, you want to participate in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling to you, otherwise, you’ll become a victim of your own good intentions. This eclipse asks you to be courageous and mature in claiming your path and putting your personal spin on how you chose to be helpful to your community. You may need to make adjustments to ensure you are on a sustainable path.
How are your current community relations? If you’ve sacrificed yourself for the good of the whole, you may need to reorient yourself in your own needs to fill up your cup if it’s empty. If instead you’ve been more focused on yourself and putting less energy into relationships, then you may need to reorient yourself to engage more with the communities you are a part of and acknowledge the positive impact you have when you act on behalf of the greater good.
With Saturn figuring prominently (right next to the Sun), you are claiming the mastery you have achieved and taking the appropriate level of responsibility to keep building on it. This is a serious, pragmatic energy. It takes work, energy, and consistent effort to do great things. You are feeling the weight of work, and this pressure pushes you to break things down and prioritize your energy to move at a sustainable pace. Find reminders of why this work is meaningful to you to connect to the power source that is true purpose.
Questions to Ponder: How can I use my powers of discernment to break a goal into manageable bite-size pieces? Where in my life am I most helpful to my community, and where can I amplify my efforts?