Aries energy starts off the zodiac with new beginnings, courage, and decisiveness to go for it. The dawn of a new day is full of possibilities for what might lie ahead. There is a cleansing, clearing quality to the astrology of this solar eclipse. Because we have both Venus and Mercury retrograde, I suspect you gain the ability to see past relationships and ideas with new eyes. If you feel called to forgiveness work, Venus is cozied up to Neptune, both in Pisces, along with Saturn, helping you to take the compassionate high road in interpersonal situations.
Your receptiveness is off the charts with Mercury conjunct Neptune. Allow spaciousness in your day to just be and connect with the world around you. Let go of agendas and the need to be productive. Take long screen breaks. Pay attention to supposed coincidences, and if your technology goes on the fritz, take it as an invitation to go analog. The other day I was looking at a paper map, and instead of using two fingers to zoom in, I had to look with my eyes and I took in more information about the surrounding area. I could be with the information and allow it to absorb into my brain instead of jumping to the next screen. Remember when people used to navigate by the stars? I have to think that would impact your consciousness, to have that kind of relationship with the sky and to look at it to find your way. Astrology was born out of that practice. For this eclipse, the universe is tapping you on the shoulder, saying, “ I have some messages for you.” It’s your job to listen and be brave enough to claim your path.
With the review and delays in the past months with Mars and now Mercury and Venus retrograde, fresh starts have been hard to come by. You had to clean up to get to this point, perhaps more than you bargained for. Now you are ready to contemplate a new direction, even if you don’t know what it is. You are planting the seed of what you want it to feel like and getting into a receptive state.
Intentions: I am divine love and I shower myself and others with it. I cultivate openness to hear my inner guidance. I am bold and courageous in claiming my path.