With the most recent new moon in Scorpio on 11.15, you got a boost in your personal power and desires. This eclipse in Gemini reminds you to not get locked into any one path just yet. Flexibility is the name of the game as you explore options and ideas. If you feel overwhelmed or exasperated, these are good indicators that you are overly relying on your powers of analysis. You can’t think yourself to where you want to go, especially with the potentially confusing information and mixed messages before you. Come back to any contemplative practices you do that help your mind to relax. Take a break from all devices and get outside and get some fresh air. Consider that a creative solution to any issues before you now already exists. It’s just your job to align with it.
With this eclipse, we make a conscious effort to welcome the variety of life, versus fear it. For this to work, curiosity must be our superpower. Because when you communicate with curiosity, you can’t also be righteous, and being righteous is a great way to cut yourself off from the unknown. Curiosity, when cultivated with sincerity, allows for transformative conversations, where you really are seeking to understand without feeling the need to agree or disagree. Make no mistake, this is a radical act in our current culture. It also takes practice, so give yourself the time to build your skill and practice by responding with “Oh, that’s interesting,” when you learn something new rather than quickly jumping to label it good or bad.
This is the first eclipse in a series of two, the next one will be on 12.14. Eclipses tend to bring chaos to our conscious mind. Things are unleashed from your unconscious that you weren’t aware of. I like to think of them as a portal to the unknown, and for the next two weeks, it’s important for you to track the signs and signals you get as if you were tracking a wild animal. Patience, quiet, and calm are needed so you don’t scare away the lovely and wild aspects of your being that are emerging.
Questions to Ponder: Where can I rely more on my unlimited inner resource of clarity, decisiveness, and inspiration? In what ways am I showing my capability of resolving mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of myself? What if it’s my responsibility to be curious versus have all the answers?