This eclipse is teaching you a lesson about knowing your own worth and understanding your own value. To get there, you may be shown some areas where you currently undervalue yourself. Taurus is here to teach us about the wise use of resources, including time, money, and energy. Any place where you are operating unsustainably will show up to be addressed.
When you exist in a culture that primarily values wealth as a status symbol and elevates the accumulation of material objects, it’s natural that some of that will rub off on you no matter how much you carve your own path of valuing what’s important to you. Take some time to remind yourself of your core values, which might include simplicity, sustainability, spirituality, and joy. None of these require a certain amount of money for you to experience, however, there’s no shame in admitting that money is a resource that’s available to support you in your journey of living these values. It may be helpful to look at the attitudes around material security that you were brought up with. Was money the root of all evil? Or was it the solution to all your family’s problems? It can be confusing to reconcile the two for yourself. This eclipse is a prime opportunity to integrate and synthesize a more healing story around your personal approach to financial security and financial freedom.
In many spiritual circles, abundance and prosperity consciousness are buzzwords for what ends up looking a lot like toxic positivity. My definition of toxic positivity is basically saying everything is great when things aren’t or ignoring/dismissing/hiding from challenging emotions in yourself and others. It’s a fine balance between honoring messy emotions in ourselves and not getting overly attached to any particular one. Then we can move through them and let go when it’s time. While positive vibes only might be a great overall goal, you can end up feeling even worse when the going gets tough because you feel guilty that you aren’t always feeling optimistic. For this eclipse, there is an opportunity to heal some of your patterns around money which will naturally lead to more abundance in your life. However, the path to it is not holding an unrealistic expectation for yourself of all prosperity all the time. The sustainable path to it is accessing your inner knowing of just how worthy and valuable you are. This in turn allows you to better witness and acknowledge the worth and value of others, creating a lovely feedback loop to how you feel and to your bank account.
Finally, I think it’s fascinating that Taurus rules the connection to our physical body as well as to our resources. They both are connected to our feelings of self-worth. I consider it a tragedy if you have ever been made to feel as if your body isn’t of value unless it’s a certain weight, age, ability, or shape. And who hasn’t, given that our culture teaches us that our body is meant to be fixed or even hated. A great resource to cleanse and clear the societal messages you’ve received is The Body is Not An Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor. She speaks eloquently about how self-love is the foundation of sustainable social change. See where you can incorporate more kind and loving messages you give to your body as part of recognizing your inherent value and worth. It’s truly a radical act.
Questions to Ponder: What are my current levels of body acceptance and body positivity, and how might I increase my feelings of gratitude and love towards my physical self? Where am I called to tell a more healing story about my relationship with money?