This is a fertile new moon with Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus in Taurus along with the Sun and Moon. Look around and see if you can find ways to enjoy your current situation even more. Are there moments, like the way the light shines through a tree outside or the sleepy smile of a loved one in the morning, that you could let soak in and not rush past? Taurus teaches us about finding contentment and satisfaction, exactly where we are. That what we might be seeking outside ourselves with external busyness is within us all along.
This new moon is on the cusp of Mars opposing Pluto, both squaring Jupiter, a potent signifier of transformation. You may be celebrating the fruits of your labor, and/or experiencing resistance. Expect some power struggles and remember to just focus on that which is in your realm of control and influence to take the high road out of any drama. The shadow side of Taurus is digging your heels in, and neither hell nor high water can budge a Taurus in this mindset. If you encounter this energy, whether in yourself or in another, your best option is to back off, let the dust settle, and enlist others to help you.
Jupiter is on the receiving end of immense pressure from Pluto and Mars, which could indicate tendencies to exaggerate and overshoot the mark. Be mindful of overzealous attitudes in yourself and others. You are expanding your ideas of what’s possible in a given situation and it’s too early to tell how things will turn out. Come back to your values and beliefs to guide you irrespective of what anyone else is doing.
Venus is in Cancer, ruling this new moon. This can bring out childlike tendencies in others, since they might be relating from their inner child. Keep in mind that in any conflict that arises with the Mars and Pluto opposition your best bet to get through obstinacy is to offer some form of nurturing. When a child has a meltdown, it’s often due to hunger or tiredness or both. Adults are the same way, even though we don’t admit it. You will disarm the fiercest adversary by offering them some simple kindness with Venus in Cancer.
Intentions: I pay attention to moments in my day that bring me pleasure and I savor them for a little longer than normal. I align my actions and motivations with my deeper values. If I encounter resistance in myself or others I meet it with kindness.